

  1. Godbaz JP, Dorrington AD and Cree MJ (2012) Apparatus and Method for Measuring the Distance and/or Intensity Characteristics of Objects, World Patent WO/2012/014077

  2. Carnegie DA, Cree MJ and Dorrington AD (2005) Range and Velocity Sensing System, NZ Patent 535322, World Patent WO/2006/031130.

Books (edited)

  1. Jelinek HF and Cree MJ (eds) (2009) Automated Image Detection of Retinal Pathology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Book chapters

  1. Lefloch D, Nair R, Schäfer H, Streeter L, Cree MJ, Koch R and Kolb A (2013) ‘Technical Foundation and Calibration Methods for Time-of-Flight Cameras,’ in Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging, Grzegorzek M, Theobalt C, Koch R and Kolb A (eds.), pp. 3–24 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8200, Springer.

  2. Godbaz JP, Dorrington AA and Cree MJ (2013) ‘Understanding and Ameliorating Mixed Pixels and Multipath Interference in AMCW Lidar,’ in TOF Range-Imaging Cameras, Remondino F and Stoppa D (eds.), pp. 91–116, Springer, Berlin, 2013.

  3. Cree MJ and Jelinek HF (2011) ‘Image Analysis of Retinal Images,’ in Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications, Doughty G (eds.), pp. 249–268, Springer, New York.

  4. Jongenelen APP, Payne AD, Carnegie DA, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ (2009) ‘Development of a Real-Time Full-Field Range Imaging System,’ in Recent Advances in Sensing Technology, Mukhopadhyay SC, Sen Gupta G, Huang RY-M (eds.), pp. 113–129 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 49, Springer.

  5. Jelinek HF and Cree MJ (2009), ‘Introduction’ in Automated Image Detection of Retinal Pathology, Jelinek HF and Cree MJ (eds.), pp. 1–25, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

  6. Cree MJ (2009) ‘Automated Microaneurysm Detection for Screening’ in Automated Image Detection of Retinal Pathology, Jelinek HF and Cree MJ (eds.), pp. 155–184, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

  7. Cornforth DJ, Jelinek HF, Cree MJ, Leandro JJG, Soares JVB and Cesar Jr RM (2009) ‘Evolution of Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Methodology Using Wavelet Transforms for Assessment of Diabetic Retinopathy,’ in Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Gen M, Green D, Katai O, McKay B, Namatame A, Sarker RA and Zhang B-T (eds), pp. 171–182, of Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, vol. 187, Springer-Verlag.

Journal Articles (refereed)

  1. Ali M, Chen Y, Cree MJ and Zhang M (2022) ‘In Vivo Computation with Sensor Fusion and Search Acceleration for Smart Tumor Homing,’ Comp. Biol. Med. 148 105887.

  2. Gong Z, Chen Y, Lin X and Cree MJ (2022) ‘Contrast-Enhanced Microwave Medical Imaging Using Angle-of-Arrival Approach.’ IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. (70)(5) 3772–3780.

  3. Wang Z, Künnemeyer R, McGlone A, Sun J, Burdon J and Cree MJ. (2022) ‘Non-Destructive Detection of Chilling Injury in Kiwifruit Using a Dual-Laser Scaning System with PCA-BPNN.’ J. Near Infrared Spect. 30(2) 67–73.

  4. Ali M, Chen Y and Cree MJ (2022) ‘Autonomous In Vivo Computation in Internet-of-Nano-Bio-Things,’ IEEE Internet Things J. 9(8) 6134–6147.

  5. Wang Z, Künnemeyer R, McGlone A, Burdon J, Sun J, Sharrock K and Cree MJ (2022) ‘Spectral Discimination of Kiwifruit with Chilling Injury from Fruit with Other Types of Tissue Damage in High-Speed Grading Applications,’ Acta Hortic. 1332 277–284.

  6. Gong Z, Chen Y, Lin X and Cree MJ (2021) ‘Generic Wide-band Phantom Design Methodology for Microwave Medical Applications’, IEEE Antenn. Wirel. Propag. Lett. 20 1488–1492.

  7. Gouk H, Frank E, Pfahringer B and Cree MJ (2021) ‘Regularisation of Neural Networks by Enforcing Lipschitz Continuity’’ Mach. Learn. 110 393–416.

  8. Whyte R, Streeter L, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2015) ‘Resolving Multiple Propagation Paths in Time of Flight Range Cameras Using Direct and Global Separation Methods,’ Opt. Eng. 54 113109-1–113109-9.

  9. Whyte R, Streeter L, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2015) ‘Application of LIDAR Techniques to Time-of-Flight Imaging,’ Appl. Opt. 54 9654-9664.

  10. Blake AM, Witten IH and Cree MJ (2013) ‘The Fastest Fourier Transform in the South,’ IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc. 61 4707–4716.

  11. Uche CZ, Round WH and Cree MJ (2012) ‘Evaluation of Detector Material and Radiation Source Position on Compton Caemra’s Ability for Multitracer Imaging.’ Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 35 357–364.

  12. Schöner H, Bauer F, Dorrington A, Heise B, Wieser V, Payne A, Cree MJ and Moser B (2012) ‘Image Processing for 3D-Scans Generated by Time of Flight Range Cameras.’ J. Electr. Im. 21 023012-1–023012-11.

  13. Uche CZ, Round WH and Cree MJ, (2012) ‘Evaluation of Two Compton Camera Models for Scintimammography.’ Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A 662 11–60.

  14. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2012) ‘Understanding and Ameliorating Non-linear Phase and Amplitude Responses in AMCW Lidar.’ Remote Sensing. 4 21–42.

  15. Streeter L, Cree MJ, Burling-Claridge GR (2011) ‘Optical Full Hadamard Matrix Multiplexing and Noise Effects: Errata,’ Appl. Opt. 50 6092–6093.

  16. Uche CZ, Cree MJ and Round WH (2011) ‘GEANT4 Simulation of the Effects of Doppler Energy Broadening in Compton Imaging,’ Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 34 409–414.

  17. Uche CZ, Round WH and Cree MJ (2011) ‘A Monte Carlo Evaluation of Three Compton Camera Absorbers,’ Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 34 351–360.

  18. Uche CZ, Round WH and Cree MJ (2011) ‘Effects of Energy Threshold and Dead Time on Compton Camera Performance,’ Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A 641 114–120.

  19. Payne AD, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Carnegie DA (2010) ‘Improved Measurement Linearity and Precision for AMCW Time-of-Flight Range Imaging Cameras,’ Appl. Opt. 49 4392–4403.

  20. Talele S, Gaynor P, Cree MJ and van Ekeren J (2010) ‘Modelling single cell electroporation with bipolar pulse parameters and dynamic pore radii,’ J. Electrostat. 68 261–274.

  21. Niemeijer M, van Ginneken B, Cree MJ, et al. (2010) ‘Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microaneurysms in Digital Color Fundus Photographs’ IEEE Trans. Med. Im. 29 185–195.

  22. Streeter L, Burling-Claridge GR, Cree MJ and Künnemeyer R (2009) ‘Optical full Hadamard matrix multiplexing and noise effects’ Appl. Opt. 48 2078–2085.

  23. Payne AD, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Carnegie AD (2008) ‘Characterizing an image intensifier in a full-field image ranging system’ IEEE Sens. J. 8 1763–1770.

  24. Streeter L, Burling-Claridge GR, Cree MJ and Künnemeyer R (2007) ‘Visible/Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging via Spatial Illumination Source Modulation,’ J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 15 395–399

  25. Dorrington AA, Cree MJ, Payne AD, Conroy RM and Carnegie AD (2007) ‘Achieving sub-millimetre precision with a solid-state full-field heterodyning range imaging camera,’ Meas. Sci. Technol. 18 2809–2816.

  26. Jelinek JF, Cree MJ, Soares JVB, Leandro JJG, Cesar Jr RM and Luckie A (2007) ‘Automated Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels and Identification of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24 1448–1456.

  27. Jelinek JF, Cree MJ, Worsley D, Luckie A and Nixon P (2006) ‘An Automated Microaneurysm Detector as a Tool for Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy in Rural Optometry Practice,’ Clin. Exper. Optom., 89 299–305.

  28. Soares JVB, Leandro JJG, Cesar Jr RM, Jelinek HF and Cree MJ (2006) ‘Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using the 2-D Morlet Wavelet and Supervised Classification,’ IEEE Trans. Med. Im., 25 1214-1222.

  29. Carnegie DA, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2005) ‘A High Resolution Full-Field Range Imaging System,’ Rev. Sci. Instr. 76 083702.

  30. Cree MJ. (2004) ‘Observations on Adaptive Filters for Noise Reduction in Colour Images,’ IEEE Sig. Proc. Lett. 11 140–143

  31. Goatman KA, Cree MJ, Olson, JA, Sharp PF and Forrester JV. (2003) ‘Automated Measurement of Microaneurysm Turnover,’ Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 44 5335–5341

  32. Cree MJ, Olson JA, McHardy KC, Sharp PF and Forrester JV. (1999) ‘The Preprocessing of Retinal Images for the Detection of Fluorescein Leakage,’ Phys. Med. Biol. 44 293–308

  33. Hossain PN, Liversidge J, Cree MJ, Manivannan A, Vieira P, Sharp PF, Brown G and Forrester JV. (1998) ‘In Vivo Cell Tracking by Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy: Quantification of Leukocyte Kinetics,’ Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 39 1879–1887

  34. Frame AJ, Undrill PE, Cree MJ, Olson JA, McHardy KC, Sharp PF and Forrester JV. (1998) ‘A Comparision of Computer Based Classification Methods Applied to the Detection of Microaneurysms in Ophthalmic Fluorescein Angiograms,’ Comp. Biol. and Med. 28 225–238

  35. Hänsgen P, Undrill PE and Cree MJ. (1998) ‘The Application of Wavelets to Retinal Image Compression and its Effect on Automatic Microaneurysm Analysis,’ Comp. Meths. Prog. Biomed. 56 1–10

  36. Cree MJ, Olson JA, McHardy KC, Sharp PF and Forrester JV. (1997) ‘A Fully Automated Comparative Microaneurysm Digital Detection System,’ Eye 11 622-628

  37. Cree MJ and Bones PJ. (1994) ‘Towards Direct Reconstruction from a Gamma Camera Based on Compton Scattering,’ IEEE Trans. Med. Im. 13 398–407

  38. Cree MJ and Bones PJ. (1993) ‘Algorithms to Numerically Evaluate the Hankel Transform,’ Comp. Math. Appl. 26 1–12

Conference (refereed full article)

  1. Gong Z, Ingabire HN, Liu C, Cree MJ and Chen Y (2021) ‘Fuzzy-Inspired Biosensing Strategy for Double-Feature Tumor Classification’ 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 28-31 Nov 2021.

  2. Gong Z, Chen Y, Sun Y, Xiao Y and Cree MJ (2021) ‘Fuzzy-logic-inspired Multi-contrast-agent Strategy for Optimal Tumor Classification’ 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) pp. 314–317, July 2021.

  3. Mozhaeva AI, Vlasuyk IV, Potashnikov AM, Cree MJ and Streeter L (2021) ‘The Methods and Devices for Research the Parameters of the Human Visual System to Video Quality Assessment’ 2021 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications, 5pp., Moscow Russie, Mar 2021.

  4. Ali M, McGrath N, Cree MJ and Chen Y (2020) ‘Self-Regulated and Co-ordinated Smart Tumor Homing for Complex Vascular Networks.’ IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC2020), pp. 378–381, Montreal, Canada, July 2020.

  5. Ali M, McGrath N, Cree MJ, Cheang UK and Chen Y (2020) ‘Bio-inspired Self-Regulated In-Vivo Computation for Smart Cancer Detection.’ IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO2020), pp. 304–309, July, 2020.

  6. Gong Z, Chen Y, Shi S, Lin X, Cree MJ and Sharifi N (2019) ‘System Model for Tracking in Vivo Nanoswimmers Using Kalman Filter for Nanobiomedicine.’ IEEE Nanomed 2019, pp. 124–127, Gwangju, Korea, Nov 2019.

  7. Lickfold CA, Streeter L, Cree MJ and Scott JB (2019) ‘Frequency Based Radial Velocity Estimation in Time-of-Flight Range Imaging.’ International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ2019), Dunedin, New Zealand, Dec 2019.

  8. Hedayati H, McGuinness B, Cree MJ and Perrone JA (2019) ‘Generalization Approach for CNN-based Object Detection in Unconstrained Outdoor Environments.’ International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ2019), Dunedin, New Zealand, Dec 2019.

  9. Alqassab A, Streeter L, Cree MJ, Lickfold CA, Farrow V and Lim SH (2019) ‘Adaptation of Bidirectional Kalman Filter to Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Range Imaging.’ International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ2019), Dunedin, New Zealand, Dec 2019.

  10. Lickfold CA, Streeter L, Cree MJ and Scott JB (2019) ‘Simultaneous Phase and Frequency Stepping in Time-of-Flight Range Imaging.’ IEEE Sensors Conference, Montreal, Canada, Oct 2019.

  11. Hedayati M, Cree MJ and Scott JA (2019) ‘Tracking Jockeys in a Cluttered Environment with Group Dynamics.’ 2nd International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports’19), pp. 67–73, Nice, France, Oct 2019.

  12. Ali M, Cree MJ, Sharifi N and Chen Y (2019) ‘Nanoswimmer-Oriented Direct Targeting Strategy Inspired by Momentum-Based Gradient Optimization.’ IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2019), pp. 741–744, Berlin, Germany, Jul 2019

  13. Perrone JA, Cree MJ and Hedayati M (2019) ‘Using the properties of primate motion sensitive neurons to extract camera motion and depth from brief 2-D monocular image sequences’. International Conference on Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP2019), Salerno, Italy, Sep 2019, appearing in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11678 pp. 600–612, 2019.

  14. Kuang YC, Streeter L, Cree MJ and Ooi MP (2019) ‘Evaluation of Deep Neural Network and Alternating Decision Tree for Kiwifruit Detection.’ IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I:math:`^2`MTC), Auckland, New Zealand, May 2019.

  15. Anthonys G, Cree MJ and Streeter L (2019) Jitter Measurement in Digital Signals by Using Software Defined Radio Technology.’ IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I:math:`^2`MTC), Auckland, New Zealand, May 2019.

  16. Anthonys G, Cree MJ and Streeter L (2018) ‘Signal Processing Approaches for Jitter Extraction in Time-of-Flight Range Imaging Cameras,’ 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), Cairns, Australia, Dec 2018.

  17. Coup S, Vetrova V, Frank E and Cree MJ (2018) ‘Hidden Features: Experiments with Feature Transfer for Fine-Grained Multi-Class and One-Class Image Categorization,’ International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2018.

  18. Perrone JA, Cree MJ, Hedayati M and Corlett D (2018) ‘Testing a Biologically-Based System for Extracting Depth from Brief Monocular 2-D Video Sequences,’ International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2018.

  19. Cree MJ (2018) ‘An Exploration of Using the Intel AVX2 Gather Load Instructions for Vectorised Image Processing,’ International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2018.

  20. Mukhtar A, Cree MJ, Scott JB and Streeter L (2018) ‘Mobility Aids Detection using Convolution Neural Network (CNN),’ International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2018.

  21. Seabright M, Streeter L, Cree MJ, Duke M and Tighe R (2018) ‘Simple Stereo Matching Algorithm for Localising Keypoints in a Restricted Search Space,’ International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2018.

  22. Gouk H, Pfahringer B, Frank E and Cree M (2018) ‘MaxGain: Regularisation of Neural Networks by Constraining Activation Magnitudes’, European Conference on Machine Learning, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2018, appearing in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11051 pp. 541-566, 2019.

  23. Anthonys G, Cree MJ and Streeter L (2018) ‘Jitter Extraction in a Noisy Signal by Fast Fourier Transform and Time Lag Correlation,’ Waikato Young Researchers in Engineering Symposium, Hamilton, New Zealand, Oct 2017, appearing in Applied Mechanics and Materials 884 pp. 113–121, 2018.

  24. Mukhtar A, Cree MJ, Scott JB and Streeter L (2018) ‘Gait Analysis of Pedestrians with the Aim of Detecting Disabled People,’ Waikato Young Researchers in Engineering Symposium, Hamilton, New Zealand, Oct 2017, appearing in Applied Mechanics and Materials 884 pp. 105–112, 2018.

  25. Vetrova V, Coup S, Frank E and Cree MJ (2018) ‘Difference in Details: Transfer Learning Case Study of “Cryptic” Plants and Moths,’ The Fifth Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization held in conjunction with CVPR 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Jun 2018. 4pp.

  26. Streeter L and Cree M (2018) ‘Classifying Transverse Motion in Time-of-Flight Range Imaging’, 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jun 2018. In Imaging and Applied Optics 2018, OSA Technical Digest, paper 3W2G.4.

  27. Hedayati M, Cree MJ and Scott J (2017) ‘Effect of Contextual Information on Object Tracking,’ International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Christchurch, New Zealand, Dec 2017.

  28. Scott JB, Khoo E, Seshadri S and Cree MJ (2017) ‘Assessment of Self-Management Skills in a Project-Based Learning Paper,’ 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, pp. 1–10, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2017.

  29. Cree MJ, Perrone JA, Anthonys G, Garnett AC and Gouk H (2016) ‘Estimating Heading Direction from Monocular Video Sequences Using Biologically-Based Sensors,’ International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), pp. 1–6, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Nov 2016.

  30. Hedayati M, Cree MJ and Scott JA (2016) ‘Scene Structure Analysis for Sprint Sports,’ International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), pp. 1–5, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Nov 2016.

  31. Streeter L, Scott J, Lickfold CA and Cree MJ (2016) ‘Design of a Pseudo-Holographic Distributed Time-of-Flight Sonar Range-Imaging System,’ International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), pp. 1–6, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Nov 2016.

  32. Gouk H, Pfahringer B and Cree M (2016) ‘Learning Distance Metrics for Multi-Label Classification,’ Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML), Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2016 in Journal of Machine Learning Research: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, 63 318–333, 2016.

  33. Cree MJ (2015) ‘Vectorised SIMD Implementations of Morphology Algorithms,’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2015), pp. 1–6, Auckland, Nov 2015.

  34. Hedayati M, Cree MJ and Scott J (2015) ‘Combination of Mean Shift of Colour Signature and Optical Flow for Tracking During Foreground and Background Occlusion,’ Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT’15), Auckland, Nov 2015, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9431 pp. 87–98, 2016.

  35. Charleston SA, Dorrington AA, Streeter L and Cree MJ (2015) ‘Extracting the MESA SR4000 Calibrations,’ Proc. SPIE 9528, 95280S, part of Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications XIII, Munich, Germany, Jul 2015.

  36. Whyte R, Bhandari A, Streeter L, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2014) ‘Time Frequency Duality of Time-of-Flight Range Cameras for Resolving Multi-path Interference,’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ2014), pp. 247–252, Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2014.

  37. Larkins RL, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2014) ‘Evaluating Equiangle Binning for Spherical Harmonic Registration,’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ2014), pp. 230–235, Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2014.

  38. Streeter L, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2014) ‘Two Approximate Closed Form Solutions to Total Variation Noise Reduction,’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ2014), pp. 108–113, Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2014.

  39. Hedayati M, Cree MJ and Scott J (2014) ‘Network Structure for Tracking of Jockeys in Horse Races,’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ2014), pp. 13–18, Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2014.

  40. Whyte R, Streeter L, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2014) ‘Review of Methods for Resolving Multi-path Interference in Time-of-Flight Range Cameras,’ IEEE Sensors Conference, pp. 629–632, Valencia, Nov 2014.

  41. Streeter L, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2013) ‘A Strategy for the Correction of Effects of Jitter in AMCW Lidar Images.’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2013 (IVCNZ’13), pp. 512–517, Wellington, New Zealand, Nov 2013.

  42. Cree MJ, Streeter L, Conroy RM and Dorrington AA (2013) ‘Analysis of the SoftKinetic DepthSense for Range Imaging.’ International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, P’ovoa de Varzim, Portugal, Jun 2013, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7950, pp. 668–675.

  43. Larkins RL, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2013) ‘Analysis of Weighting of Normals for Spherical Harmonic Cross-Correlation.’ Proc. SPIE 8650, 86500D, part of the SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium: Three-Dimensional Image Processin and Applications, San Francisco, CA, Feb 2013.

  44. Larkins RL, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2012) ‘Verification of Multi-View Point Cloud Registration for Spherical Harmonic Cross-Correlation.’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2012, pp. 358–363, Dunedin, New Zealand, Nov 2012.

  45. Uche CZ, Round WH and Cree MJ. (2012) ‘Monte Carlo Evaluation of a Compton Camera in Breast and Brain Imaging.’ IFBME Proc., 39 1060–1063, presented at World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering.

  46. Larkins RL, Cree MJ and Dorrington AD (2012) ‘Analysis of Binning of Normals for Spherical Harmonic Cross-Correlation.’ Proc. SPIE 8290 82900L.

  47. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AD (2012) ‘Closed-Form Inverses for the Mixed Pixel/Multipath Interference Problem in AMCW Lidar.’ Proc. SPIE 8296 829618.

  48. Streeter L and Cree MJ. (2011) ‘Optical Flow from Warping by the Fourier Transform.’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVNCZ’11), pp. 393–398, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2011.

  49. Conroy RM, Dorrington AA, Payne AD, Künnemeyer R and Cree MJ (2011) ‘A Power-Saving Modulation Technique for Time-of-Flight Range Imaging Sensors.’ Proc. SPIE, 8085, 808506, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications XI, San Jose, CA, Jan 2011.

  50. Payne AD, Dorrington AA and Cree MJ (2011) ‘Illumination Waveform Optimization for Time-of-Flight Range Imaging Cameras.’ Proc. SPIE, 8085, 80850D, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications XI, San Jose, CA, Jan 2011.

  51. Dorrington AA, Godbaz JP, Cree MJ, Payne AD and Streeter LV (2011) ‘Separating True Range Measurements From Multi-Path and Scattering Interference in Commercial Range Cameras.’ Proc. SPIE 7864, 7864O4, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Three-Dimensional Imaging, Interaction and Measurement, San Jose, CA, Jan 2011.

  52. Cree MJ, Godbaz JP, Larkins R, Round WH, Streeter L, Dorrington AA, Künnemeyer R, Payne AD and Worsley D. (2010) ‘Computer Vision and Image Processing at the University of Waikato.’ Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, Queenstown, New Zealand, Nov 2010.

  53. Larkins RL, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA. (2010) ‘Analysis of ICP Variants for the Registration of Partially Overlapping Time-of-Flight Range Images.’ Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, Queenstown, New Zealand, Nov 2010.

  54. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA. (2010) ‘Extending AMCW Lidar Depth-of-Field Using a Coded Aperture.’ Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2010), Queenstown, New Zealand, Nov 2010 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6495 397–409, 2011.

  55. Shrivastava V, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA. (2010) ‘Volume Measurement Using 3D Range Imaging.’ Proceedings of Electronics New Zealand Conference (ENZCON 2010), Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2010.

  56. Dorrington AA, Payne AD and Cree MJ (2010) ‘An Evaluation of Time-of-Flight Range Cameras for Close Range Metrology Applications.’ ISPRS Commission V Mid-Term Symposium: Close Range Image Measurement Techniques, Newcastle upon Tyne, June 2010, appears in International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XXXVIII, part 5, pp. 201–206, 2010.

  57. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA. (2010) ‘Blind deconvolution of depth-of-field limited full-field lidar data by determination of focal parameters.’ Proc. SPIE, 7533, 75330B, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Computational Imaging VIII, San Jose, CA, Jan 2010.

  58. McClure H, Cree MJ, Dorrington AA and Payne AD. (2010) ‘Resolving depth measurement ambiguity with commercially available range imaging cameras.’ Proc. SPIE, 7538, 75380K, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Machine Vision Applications III, San Jose, CA, Jan 2010. (Won best paper at conference award.)

  59. Whyte RZ, Payne AD, Dorrington AA and Cree MJ. (2010) ‘Multiple-range imaging camera operation with minimal performance impact.’ Proc. SPIE, 7538, 75380I, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Machine Vision Applications III, San Jose, CA, Jan 2010.

  60. Kelly CBD, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Payne AD. (2010) ‘Calibration and control of a robotic arm using a range imaging camera.’ Proc. SPIE, 7538, 75380J, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Machine Vision Applications III, San Jose, CA, Jan 2010.

  61. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA. (2009) ‘Undue Influence: Mitigating Range-Intensity Coupling in AMCW “Flash” Lidar Using Texture,’ 24th International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2009), pp. 304-309, Wellington, New Zealand, Nov 2009.

  62. Larkins RL, Cree MJ, Dorrington AA and Godbaz JP. (2009) ‘Surface Projection for Mixed Pixel Restoration,’ 24th International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2009), pp. 431-436, Wellington, New Zealand, Nov 2009.

  63. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA. (2009) ‘A Fast Maximum Likelihood Method for Improving AMCW Lidar Precision Using Waveform Shape,’ IEEE Sensors Conference, pp. 735–738, Christchurch, New Zealand, Oct 2009.

  64. Payne AD, Jongenelen APP, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Carnegie DA. (2009) ‘Multiple Frequency Range Imaging to Remove Measurement Ambiguity,’ 9th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques 2009, pp. 139–148, Vienna, Austria, July 2009.

  65. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AA (2009) ‘Multiple return identification for a full-field ranger via continuous waveform modelling’ Proc. SPIE, 7251, 72510T, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Machine Vision Applications II, San Jose, CA, Jan 2009.

  66. Conroy RM, Dorrington AA, Künnemeyer R and Cree MJ (2009) ‘Range imager performance comparison in homodyne and heterodyne operating modes.’ Proc. SPIE, 7239, 723905, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: 3D Imaging Metrology, San Jose, CA, Jan 2009.

  67. Payne AD, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Carnegie DA (2009) ‘Characterization of modulated time-of-flight range image sensors.’ Proc. SPIE, 7239, 723904, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: 3D Imaging Metrology, San Jose, CA, Jan 2009.

  68. Talele S, Gaynor P, van Ekeran J, Cree M. (2008) ‘Modelling single cell electroporation with bipolar pulse: Simulating dependance of electroporated fractional pore area on the bipolar field frequency.’ Presented at International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2008), December 2008, published in Iskander M, Kapila V and Karim MA (Eds.) Technological Developments in Education and Automation, pp. 355–359, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2010.

  69. Moser B, Schöner A, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ, Carnegie DA, Bauer F and Heise B (2008) ‘Potential von Time Of Flight Kameras für industrielle’ Tagungsbend Industrielles Symposium Mechatronik Automatisierung, pp. 275–277, Linz, Upper Austria, Oct 2008.

  70. Schöner H, Moser B, Dorrington AA, Payne AD, Cree MJ, Heise B and Bauer F (2008) ‘A Clustering Based Denoising Technique for Range Images of Time of Flight Cameras.’ International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA08), pp. 999-1004, Dec 2008, Vienna, Austria.

  71. Streeter L, Burling-Claridge GR, Cree MJ and Künnemeyer R (2008) ‘Low Resolution Hyperspectral Compressed Sensing and Hadamard Imaging.’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ’08), Nov 2008, Lincoln, New Zealand.

  72. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ and Dorrington AD (2008) ‘Mixed Pixel Return Separation for a Full-Field Ranger’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ’08), Nov 2008, Lincoln, New Zealand.

  73. Streeter L, Burling-Claridge R, Cree MJ and Künnemeyer (2008) ‘Reference Beam Method for Source Modulated Hadamard Multiplexing.’ Proc. SPIE, 6816, 68160J, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Sensors, Camera and Systems for Industrial/Scientific Applications, San Jose, CA, January, 2008.

  74. Payne AD, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Carnegie DA (2008) ‘Improved Linearity using Harmonic Error Rejection in a Full-Field Range Imaging System.’ Proc. SPIE, 6805, 68050D, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications, San Jose, CA, January, 2008.

  75. Dorrington AA, Cree MJ, Carnegie DA, Payne DA, Conroy RM, Godbaz JP and Jongenelen A (2008) ‘Video-Rate or High-Precision: A Flexible Range Imaging Camera.’ Proc. SPIE, 6813, 681307, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications, San Jose, CA, January, 2008.

  76. Cree MJ and Jelinek HF (2008) ‘The Effect of JPEG Compression on Automated Detection of Microaneurysms in Retinal Images.’ Proc. SPIE, 6813, 68130M, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium: Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications, San Jose, CA, January, 2008.

  77. Talele S, Gaynor P, van Ekeren J, Cree M (2007) ‘Modelling Membrane Pore Dynamics during Electroporation of a Single Spherical Cell with Bipolar Field Pulses for use in Biotechnological Applications,’ 1st International Conference on Engineering Technology (ICET 2007), pp. 499–508, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2007.

  78. Godbaz JP, Cree MJ, Dorrington AA and Künnemeyer R (2007) ‘Defocus Restoration for a Full-Field Heterodyne Ranger via Multiple Return Separation.’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2007 (IVCNZ’07), pp. 52–57, Hamilton, New Zealand, December 2007.

  79. Talele S, Gaynor P, van Ekeren J, Cree M (2007) ‘Modelling Membrane Pore Dynamics during Electroporation of Single Spherical Cell for Multipulse Electric Field Protocols’ International Conference on Modeling and Simulation CIT (CITICOMS 2007), 2, pp. 1163–1168, Coimbatore, India, August 2007.

  80. Dorrington A, Cree M, Carnegie D, Payne A and Conroy R (2007) ‘Heterodyne Range Imaging as an Alternative to Photogrammetry’ Proc. SPIE, 6491, part of the Videometrics IX Conference: IS&T/SPIE 19th Annual Sumposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, January 2007.

  81. Payne AD, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Carnegie DA (2006) ‘Image Intensifier Characterisation’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ’06), 487–492, Gt Barrier Is, New Zealand, November 2006.

  82. Streeter L, Burling-Claridge GR and Cree MJ (2006) ‘Image Processing of Meat Images for Visible/Near Infrared Spectroscopy Reference’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ’06), 275–280, Gt Barrier Is, New Zealand, November 2006.

  83. Cree MJ, Dorrington AA, Conroy RM, Payne AD and Carnegie DA (2006) ‘The Waikato Range Imager’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ’06), 233–238, Gt Barrier Is, New Zealand, November 2006.

  84. Conroy R, Dorrington A, Cree M, Künnemeyer R and Gabbitas B (2006) ‘Shape and Deformation Measurement using Heterodyne Range Imaging Technology’ 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (A-PCNDT 2006), November 2006, Auckland, NZ.

  85. Conroy RM, Dorrington AA, Cree MJ, Künnemeyer R and Gabbitas B (2006) ‘Shape and Deformation Measurement using Heterodyne Range Imaging Technology’ 3rd New Zealand Metals Industry Conference November 2006, Hamilton, NZ. Accepted for presentation.

  86. Streeter L, Hansen PW, Burling-Claridge GR, Cree MJ, Künnemeyer R and Devine CE (2006) ‘Estimation of Visible Fat Content in Beef M. longissimus using Near Infrared Spectroscopy’ 52nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 671–672, Dublin, Ireland. August 2006.

  87. Payne AD, Carnegie DA, Dorrington AA and Cree MJ (2006) ‘Full Field Image Ranger Hardware’ The Third IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Applications (DELTA’06), 263–268, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  88. Dorrington AA, Carnegie DA and Cree MJ (2006) ‘Towards 1 mm Depth Precision with a Solid-State Full-Field Range Imaging System’ Proc. SPIE, 6068 60680K1–60680K10, part of the IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Sensors, Camera and Systems for Scientific/Industrial Applications VIII, San Jose, CA, USA.

  89. Dorrington AA, Carnegie DA, Cree MJ and Payne AD (2005) ‘Selecting Signal Frequencies for Best Performance of Fourier-Based Phase Detection.’ 12th Electronics New Zealand Conference (ENZCON 2005), 189–193, Auckland, New Zealand.

  90. Streeter L, Burling-Claridge R and Cree MJ (2005) ‘Colour Image Processing and Texture Analysis on Images of Porterhouse Steak Meat’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2005 (IVCNZ’05), 398–403, Dunedin, New Zealand.

  91. Cree MJ, Cornforth D and Jelinek HF (2005) ‘Vessel Segmentation and Tracking Using a Two-Dimensional Model’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2005 (IVCNZ’05), 345–350, Dunedin, New Zealand.

  92. Jelinek HF, Depardieu C, Lucas C, Cornforth DJ, Huang W and Cree MJ (2005) ‘Towards Vessel Characterisation in the Vicinity of the Optic Disc in Digital Retinal Images’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2005 (IVCNZ’05), 351–356, Dunedin, New Zealand.

  93. Dorrington AA, Cree MJ and Carnegie DA (2005) ‘The Importance of CCD Readout Smear in Heterodyne Imaging Phase Detection Applications’ Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2005 (IVCNZ’05), 73–78, Dunedin, New Zealand.

  94. Soares JVB, Leandro JJG, Cesar Jr RM, Jelinek HF and Cree MJ (2005) ‘Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using the 2-D Morlet Wavelet and Supervised Classification’ XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI2005), Natal RN, Brazil.

  95. Payne AD, Carnegie DA, Dorrington AA and Cree MJ (2005) ‘A Synchronised Direct Digital Synthesiser’ First International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST2005), 174–179, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

  96. Carnegie DA, Cree MJ, Dorrington AA and Payne AD (2005) ‘A High Resolution Full-Field Range Imaging System for Robotic Devices’ Sixth IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA2005), 306–311, Cambridge, MA, USA.

  97. Cree MJ, Dorrington AA and Carnegie DA (2005) ‘A Heterodyning Range Imager’ IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, 80–83, Tsukuba Science City, Japan.

  98. Cree MJ, Gamble E and Cornforth D (2005) ‘Colour Normalisation to Reduce Inter-Patient and Intra-Patient Variability in Microaneurysm Detection in Colour Retinal Images,’ WDIC2005 ARPS Workshop on Digital Image Computing, 163–168, Brisbane, Australia.

  99. Jelinek HF, Leandro JJG, Cesar Jr. RM and Cree MJ (2005) ‘Classification of Pathology in Diabetic Eye Disease,’ WDIC2005 ARPS Workshop on Digital Image Computing, 9–13, Brisbane, Australia.

  100. Cree MJ, Leandro JJG, Soares JVB, Cesar Jr. RM, Tang G, Jelinek HF and Cornforth DJ (2005) ‘Comparison of Various Methods to Delineate Blood Vessel in Retinal Images’ Proceedings of the 16th National Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra, Australia,

  101. Cree MJ, Jefferies ME and Baker JT. (2004) ‘Using 3D Visual Landmarks to Solve the Correspondence Problem in Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping’ Second International Conference on Autonomouos Robots and Agents, 192–197, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

  102. Cree MJ, Jefferies ME and Baker JT. (2004) ‘Using 3D Visual Landmarks to Recognise Local Spaces’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2004, 1–6, Akaroa, New Zealand.

  103. Tang G and Cree MJ. (2004) ‘Detection of Retinal Blood Vessels in Colour Fundus Images’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2004, 161–166, Akaroa, New Zealand.

  104. Cornforth DJ, Jelinek HJ, Leandro JJG, Soares JVB, Cesar Jr. RM, Cree MJ, Mitchell P, Bossamaier T. (2004) ‘Development of Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Methodology Using Wavelet Transforms Assessment of Diabetic Retinopathy’ Eigth Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, 50–60, Cairns, Australia.

  105. Jefferies ME, Cree MJ, Mayo M and Baker JT. (2004) ‘Using 2D and 3D Landmarks to Solve the Correspondence Problem in Cognitive Robot Mapping.’ International Conference Spatial Cognition 2004, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Spatial Cognition IV. Reasoning, Action and Interaction 3343 434–454, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

  106. Streeter L and Cree MJ. (2003) ‘Microaneurysm Detection in Colour Fundus Images’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2003 280–285, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

  107. Cree MJ. (2001) ‘Vector Filters for Noise Reduction in Colour Images,’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2001 183–188, Dunedin, New Zealand.

  108. Cree MJ and Taramoeroa T. (2001) ‘The Scanning of Retinal Images Suitable for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection,’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2001 253–258, Dunedin, New Zealand.

  109. Liu Y and Cree MJ. (1999) ‘Computer Detection of Fluorescein Leakage in Angiographic Ophthalmic Images,’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 1999 187–192, Christchurch, New Zealand

  110. Cree MJ. (1998) ‘Preprocessing of Fluorescein Angiographic Retinal Images’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 1998 67–72 Auckland, New Zealand

  111. Cree MJ, Olson JO, McHardy KC, Sharp PF and Forrester JV. (1996) ‘Automated Microaneurysm Detection’ 1996 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 3 699-702, Lausanne, Switzerland

  112. Cree MJ and Hilton PJ. (1994) ‘Thumbprint Identification Using Ring/Wedge Fourier Sampling,’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 1994 1.6.1–1.6.7

  113. Cree MJ. and Bones PJ. (1993) ‘Direct Reconstruction Methods for the Compton Scattering Camera for Use in SPECT’ 1993 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 1927–1930, San Francisco, USA

  114. Cree MJ and Bones PJ. (1993) ‘Towards Direct Reconstruction from the Compton Scattering Camera’ Proceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 1993 383–390, Auckland, New Zealand

  115. Cree MJ, Rowe CH and Bones PJ. (1991) ‘An Investigation of an Alternative X-Ray Camera’ Proceedings of the 6th New Zealand Image Processing Workshop 83–88, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Conference (edited proceedings)

  1. Cree MJ, Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2021), Tauranga, New Zealand, Dec 2021.

  2. Cree M, Huang F, Yuan J and Yan WQ (2020) Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of the ACPR 2019 Workshops, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 2019, published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1180, 2020.

  3. Cree MJ and Streeter L (2014) Proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2014 Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2014.

  4. Cree MJ (2007) Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2007 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

  5. Cree MJ and Steyn-Ross A. (Eds) (2000) Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2000 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Conference (abstract only)

  1. Wang Z, Künnemeyer R, McGlone A, Sun J, Burdon J and Cree MJ (2021) ‘Non-Destructive Detection of Chilling Injury in Kiwifruit with a Dual-Laser System’ The 20th International Conference on NIR, Beijing, China, Oct 2021.

  2. Perrone J and Cree M (2018) ‘Extracting Self-Motion and 3-D Depth Information from 2-D Video Sequences Using the Properties of Primate Motion-Sensitive Neurons,’ 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, Trieste, Italy. Abstract appears in Perception 48(S1) p. 184 2019.

  3. Uche CZ, Vyas M, Thorogood J, Round WH and Cree MJ (2018) ‘Monte Carlo Simulation of the Compton Camera for Nuclear Medical Imaging,’ Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine, Adelaide, Australia. Abstract appears in Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 42 p. 341 2019.

  4. Scott J, Khoo E, Cree M and Seshadri S (2017) ‘Using Management Students as Markers in Engineering Project Papers,’ Learnfest 2017, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2017.

  5. Kaur H, Künnemeyer R, McGlone A and Cree M (2016) ‘Performance Comparison of Various NIR Spectrometer Units for Fruit Quality Prediction,’ IEEE Workshop on Instrumentation and Measurement NZ Society, Lincoln, New Zealand, Apr 2016.

  6. Uche CZ, Round WH and Cree MJ (2013) ‘A comparative study between MED 3633 103 Pd and 125I seed models for breast brachytherapy.’ 13th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 11th South-east Asian Congress of Medical Physics, Singapore, Dec 2013.

  7. Cree MJ (2013) ‘An Analysis of the New Affordable DepthSense Range Imaging Sensor.’ Workshop on Smart Sensors: Instrumentation and Measurment, Hamilton, New Zealand, Feb 2013.

  8. Round WH, Uche C and Cree MJ (2012) ‘Chacterization of a Compton Camera for Breast and Brain Imaging.’ NZ Physics and Engineering in Medicine Conference 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand, Nov 2012.

  9. Round WH, Uche C and Cree MJ (2011) ‘A Monte Carlo Simulation of a Novel Si/LaBr3:Ce Compton Camera for Scintimammography.’ 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (11th AOCMP), Fukuoka, Japan, Sept 2011.

  10. Uche CZ, Round HW and Cree MJ (2011) ‘Effect of the Time Characteristics of the Compton Camera on its Performance’ Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine (EPSM 2011), Darwin, Australia, Aug 2011. Abstract appears in Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 34 p. 585, 2011.

  11. Uche CZ, Round HW and Cree MJ (2011) ‘A Monte Carlo Study of Two Compton Cameras’ First Plane Detectors.’ Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine (EPSM 2011), Darwin, Australia, Aug 2011. Abstract appears in Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 34 p. 584, 2011.

  12. Uche CZ, Round HW and Cree MJ (2010) ‘A Quantitative Study of the Performance of Absorber Materials in Compton Imaging.’ Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine EPSM 2010, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2010. Abstract appears in Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 34 p. 122, 2011.

  13. Round WH, Zakariah SB and Cree MJ (2010) ‘Kernel-Based Fast Simulation of 90Y Bremsstrahlung.’ Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine EPSM 2010, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2010. Abstract appears in Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 34 p. 131, 2011.

  14. Round H, Zakariah S and Cree M (2010) ‘Fast Simulation of 90Y Bremsstrahlung Using a Kernel-Based Technique.’ New Zealand Physics and Engineering in Medicine 2010 Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, Nov 2010.

  15. Round WH, Zakariah SB and Cree MJ (2009) ‘Collimator Characteristics for Y90 Bremstrahlung Imaging.’ ACSPEM/RANZCR/FRO/AIR Combined Conference, Brisbane, Australia, Oct 2009. Abstract appears in J. Med. Imag. Radiat. On. 53(Suppl. 1) p. A152.

  16. Cree MJ (2009) ‘Revisiting Puck Momentum Conservation Experiments with a Modern Machine Vision System.’ New Zealand Institute of Physics Conference, Christchurch, Jul 2009.

  17. Uche CZ, Round WH, Cree MJ, Seo H and Kim SM (2008) ‘Monte Carlo Simulation of a Novel Silicon/Cadmium Zinc Telluride Compton Camera.’ Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine and the Australian Biomedical Engineering Conference (EPSM ABEC 2008), p. 123, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov 2008. Also in Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 31 pp 397–398, 2008.

  18. Zakariah S, Round H and Cree M (2008) ‘Photon Source Kernel for Bremsstrahlung Imaging.’ Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine and the Australian Biomedical Engineering Conference (EPSM ABEC 2008), p. 425, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov 2008. Abstract also appears in Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 31 pp 537–538, 2008.

  19. Worsley DR, Cree MJ and Jelinek H (2007) ‘Automated diabetic retinopathy screening using computer image analysis’ Annual Branch Meeting: NZ Opthalmic Nurses Group Meeting: NZ Orthoptic Society Meeting, p. 54, April 2007, Tauranga, New Zealand.

  20. Cree MJ and Jelinek HF (2005) ‘Retinal Vessel Tracking and Characterisation Using a 2D Model’ RetVic Workshop, Decemeber 2005, Melbourne, Australia. Invited talk.

  21. Cree MJ, Streeter L, Jelinek HF and Jideh B. (2004) ‘Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy by Automated Detection of Microaneurysms’ ADS & ADEA Annual Scientific Meeting, August 2004, Sydney, Australia.

  22. Cree MJ, Tang G, Cesar Jr, RM, Leandro JJG, Soares JJV, Wong T, Cornforth DJ, Jelinek HF and Jideh B. (2004) ‘Automated Detection of Retinal Blood Vessels in Diabetes’ ADS & ADEA Annual Scientific Meeting, August 2004, Sydney, Australia.

  23. Luckie AP, Jelinek H, Cree M, Cesar Jr, RM, Leandro JG, McQuellin C, and Mitchell P. (2004) ‘Identification and follow-up of diabetic retinopathy in rural health in Australia: an automated screening model’ ARVO 2004: The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Fl., USA. Abstract appears in Inv. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 45 E-Abstract 5245,

  24. Jelinek HF, Cornforth D, Cree M, Cesar Jr. RM, Leandro JG, Soares JVB and Mitchell P (2003) ‘Automated Characterisation of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Mathematical Morphology: A Pilot Study for Community Health’ The 2nd Annual NSW Primary Health Care Reserach and Evaluation Conference, p. 48, Sydney, Australia

  25. Cree MJ and Olson JA. (2003) ‘Test of Various Processing Steps in Detecting Leakage in Angiographic Retinal Images,’ World Congress on Biomedical Physics and Bioengineering 2003, Sydney, Australia.

  26. Streeter L and Cree MJ (2003) ‘Detection of Candidate Microaneurysms in Colour Fundus Images,’ World Congress on Biomedical Physics and Bioengineering 2003, Sydney, Australia.

  27. Goatman KA, Cree MJ, Olson JA, Forrester JV and Sharp PF. (2003) ‘Automated Measurement of Microaneurysm Turnover’ Computer Assisted Fundus Image Analysis 2003, Turin, Italy.

  28. Cree MJ, Olson JA and Liu Y. (2002) ‘Detection of Fluorescein Leakage in Angiographic Retinal Images.’ The Annual Conference of Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Rotorua, New Zealand.

  29. Goatman KA, Hipwell JH, Olson JA, Strachan FM, Cree MJ, McHardy KC, Sharp PF, Forrester JV. (2002) ‘Diagnostic Automated Detection of Retinopathy and its Role in a Retinal Screening Programme’ IOP (Optical Group) Imaging in the Eye: Technologies and Clincal Applications Meeting, London, UK.

  30. Hossain P, Cree MJ, Manivannan A, Vieira P, Liversidge J, Sharp PF and Forrester JV. (1997) ‘In Vivo Cell Tracking by Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy: Observation and Quantification of Leucocyte Dynamics Using Activated and Normal Leucocytes.’ Fifth International Symposium on Ocular Circulation and Neovascularisation Kyoto, Japan

  31. Lim CS, Hipwell JH, Cree MJ, Wilkinson SJ, Forrester JV and Sharp PF. (1997) ‘Fluorescein Angiography: Quantification of Ischaemia’ Fifth International Symposium on Ocular Circulation and Neovascularisation Kyoto, Japan

  32. Lim CS, Hipwell JH, Cree MJ, Vieira P, Manivannan A, Forrester JV and Sharp PF. (1997) ‘Fluorescein Angiography: Automated Quantification of Ischaemia’ Oxford Ophthalmological Congress Oxford, United Kingdom

  33. Lim CS, Hipwell JH, Cree MJ, Wilkinson SJ, Vieira P, Forrester JV and Sharp PF. (1997) ‘Automated Quantification of Angiographic Ischaemia’ Congress of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists United Kingdom

  34. Frame AJ, Cree MJ, Olson JA and Undrill PE. (1996) ‘Computer-Based Classification of Retinal Microaneurysms’ International Conference of Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare Plymouth, United Kingdom

Articles (not refereed)

  1. Payne A, Dorrington A, Cree M. (2008) ‘Optimization of 3D Range-Imaging Sensors,’ SPIE Newsroom, DOI: 10.1117/2.1200810.1350