Michael Cree

About Me

I am Michael Cree and this is my website/blog. I am a Physicist come Electronic Engineer and an Associate Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Waikato. You can find my staff page at the University website here. My research interests include various aspects in medical imaging and computer vision including (in the past) digital retinal imaging, (and ongoing) 3D time-of-flight range imaging and a biologically based approach to visual odometry. Lately I have been working on battery equivalent circuit modelling using fractional passive models. I am a member of the Waikato Robotics, Automation and Sensors research group.

My professional memberships include Senior Membership of the IEEE, and Membership of the ACM.

In my spare time I like to program computers, maintain the unofficial port of Debian Linux to the Alpha architecture as part of Debian Ports, listen to music and spend time tramping in the New Zealand outdoors. I was once a competent pipe organist but OOS/RSI in the arms now limits the amount of playing I can do.

I am a member and until recently was the Chairperson of the Parish Council of the Hamilton East Methodist Parish. I am a Trustee of the Tidd Foundation.

It is intended that my blog will include posts on various matters including science, engineering, computing and religion.

I am contactable at username michael at domain cree dot gen dot nz when it pertains to this blog, username mcree at the domain orcon dot net dot nz in general, or at username michael.cree at the domain waikato dot ac dot nz when it relates to my research and University work.

My IRC nick is creemj.

My GPG fingerprint is: D409 541B 80A1 927F CC41 E0A1 0BE7 C53F C1DE 67F3

Computer Managerie

I have in my possession 2x DEC Alpha PWS500au (only one works), Compaq Alpha XP1000, 2x HP Alpha ES45 (one is a build daemon for the port of Debian Linux to Alpha), a variety of i386/x86_64 machines, a DreamPlug, R-Pi 2, Pine-A64, Rock64, Helios64 (great machine but you can't get them anymore), Mac Powerbook G4 and PowerMac G5. I did once have an Amiga 500 but now regret that I got rid of it many years ago. It was such a cool machine.


I have published over 40 academic journal papers, 115 refereed conference papers, 7 book chapters and edited one book.

I list on a separate web page my full list of publications (last updated in 2022).